Tag Archives: Sports Day

Roll up, roll up….

Did you buy a raffle ticket from P6? If not, you must have done a very good job of hiding from the ticket sellers over the last few weeks as they have made over £700! It’s not surprising as the prizes were fantastic. There were signed football and rugby balls, a digital camera, family passes for Pizza Express, Nandos and Gusto, cash prizes from £25 – £75 and more! Well done to Mr Hamilton, Miss Macdonald and P6 who have worked hard to prepare and promote it. Well done to all the winners and thank you so much to everyone who supported it by buying tickets and of course to the businesses who made such generous donations. Expect thank you letters very shortly!


We have had a lovely week with lots of outdoor activity at Abbeyhill. Last Saturday we had the fantastic and much anticipated Summer Garden Party which was organised down to the last hot dog by the Parent Council. It was a brilliant day and everyone who came had a great time! Thanks so much to everyone who supported the school by donating baking or tombola prizes (special shout out to Mrs Pender and her beautiful knitted ‘upside down’ doll) and to those who helped on the day. We especially appreciated our special guests from the Ranger Service, Fire and Police Scotland!


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Thankfully the weather was brighter this week and we had our Sports Day in Holyrood Park. It was a brilliant afternoon and once again, we all agreed that we love the new location. Thank you to Mr Martin for supporting Mrs Souness with all the planning and organising and to Mr Martin for getting it all ready on the day as Mrs Souness is now on maternity leave. Thank you to all the families who came along to cheer us on and a special well done to the adults who braved the family race! It got very competitive….


Yesterday I had a lovely morning with the Nursery group whose turn it was to go on Forest Adventures. I discovered new areas of Holyrood Park I’d never have thought to go looking for and experienced for myself the difference that being outdoors can make to emotional and mental wellbeing. This is the second year that we have done this in the Nursery and the staff are looking forward to taking it forward in August. If your child is in Nursery, ask them to show you the secret fairy garden, or where the horses live! Make sure you wear your walking shoes….Nursery don’t shy away from a trek!


The Pupil Council were third time lucky today as they finally did their ‘2 minute litter pick’ on Abbey Street. Our previous two attempts had to be rained off! We collected what looks like a small amount of litter but once we had multiplied it by the whole of Edinburgh, then Scotland and realised that we collected it in 120 seconds on one small street we realised that it represented a lot of single use plastic; lots of sweet wrappers, cigarette butts (which contain plastic), a straw, a fruit snack pot, a teabag (which should be in food waste) and one poor woodlouse who got swept up in all the excitement! (Don’t worry, she was released safely). Thank you to the Pupil Council who helped prepare for the event and welcomed two P6s who have been dabbling in ‘flashmob’ playground litter picks this term!



Check back next week to see how Abbeyhill’s first staff yoga session went!

Sally Ketchin, Head Teacher

(Summer Garden) PARTY TIME!

It’s finally here! Tomorrow it’s our Summer Garden Party and after the success of last year’s event, we expect it to be very busy! Thank you so much to the Parent Council who have organised the whole thing which is a huge amount of work. We hope to see lots of you from 12 – 3pm in the playground! Hopefully the weather will be on our side and at least stay dry so we can have more luck than we did on Tuesday. We were very sad to postpone Sports Day and it was especially frustrating that the sun was out by the time the time we should have started rolled round but we had to make a decision at the time based on the information we had and the recommendations of the Ranger Service. However, Sports Day will go ahead next week come rain or shine (unless it’s REALLY rainy) so please get your suncream and your waterproofs and everything in between ready for Tuesday!

Something that wasn’t weather dependent this week was our visit from Catherine Gemmel from the Marine Conservation Society who spoke to us about leatherback turtles. Catherine told us lots of facts about the turtles and taught us how to spot one in the wild. Did you know that the change in climate can affect whether or not male or female turtles are produced? Warmer temperatures produce female turtles, while colder temperatures produce males.

Catherine Gemmell

Catherine told us about the dangers leatherback turtles face as a result of plastic pollution and we were shown some sad photographs of some turtles who had mistaken plastic bags for jellyfish. We’re proud that we already do a lot in our school to help reduce the amount of single use plastic reaching landfills and our oceans. The smallest change can make a big difference for our marine life.

P6 and P7 teams also attended the Interscholastics event at George Watson’s College on Monday and did a fantastic job of representing the school. We didn’t make it into any of the finals but everyone had a great time and plenty of fresh air so it was still classed as a successful morning! Thank you to Mr Martin and Mr Hamilton for taking the teams.

Check back next week to read about how the Summer Garden Party and the re-scheduled Sports Day went, as well as an update on P5s John Muir Award, the Pupil Council litter pick (foiled by heavy rain again yesterday, 3rd time lucky), a trip to Gorgie Farm for a lucky few and my first time out on Forest Adventures with Nursery!

Sally Ketchin, Head Teacher


Winding down for the holidays? Not yet!

What with Victoria Day on Monday and the school being closed to pupils yesterday while the building was used as a polling station, it has been a very quick week! We’ve still managed to fit in Health Week and have had activities such as Parcours, Yoga and Judo creating a buzz around the school. Next week Sports Day is scheduled for Tuesday and we’re all hopeful that the weather will be on our side! Mrs Souness has left us to wait for the arrival of her baby so Mr Martin is in charge…no pressure Mr M!

If you have seen our newsletter today, you’ll have read that as well as Mrs Souness starting her maternity leave, we’ll also be saying goodbye to Miss Chmielecka at the end of term as she finishes her placement with us and Mrs Macdougall has made a big decision as she plans to retire in June. Mrs Macdougall has been at Abbeyhill for 24 years and it is very hard to imagine school without her! She’s not sure what she will do with her time yet but I have offered to put her on our speed dial in case we need a supply teacher. So we think she’ll very quickly find things to do! I know that Mrs Macdougall has worked with many families over the years and I hope that lots of you will find opportunities over the next 5 weeks to say goodbye to her.

As you will read, or have read, in the newsletter, we still have lots of exciting things to come before the end of term. The Parent Council Summer Garden Party is on Saturday 1st June  (with our new choir’s first public performance), caterpillars are turning into butterflies in the Nursery, P1 are tackling STEM through their new topic, P2 are looking forward to their Imaginate theatre trip to see The Invisible Man, P3 are embedding the work we have done this year on ‘Building Resilience’, P4 have started a new topic with a typically ‘crafty’ flair, P5 are working towards completing their John Muir award with Rob the Ranger in Holyrood Park, P6 are planning a trip to the Edinburgh Central Mosque and P7 have a huge amount going on as they plan and prepare their final assembly of the year, indulge in a few treats and trips, look forward to their 3 day high school visit and plan the menu for their end of year BBQ!

So, 5 weeks and plenty still to do. Keep reading and see how we get on!

Sally Ketchin, Head Teacher